Mari-Carmen Marin

"When your life becomes a desert—sand shifting, burying your path, dance."

“The Dance of Life” — The Valley of Your Life

Find balance in the present, learn from the past, and hope for the future.

From poetry and painting to singing and dancing, creativity has brought me through some of my darkest times, and helped me fight (and write) my way back to the light.


Nowadays, writing poetry is like sitting in my comfy chair in front of a fireplace on a stormy winter day. It brings warmth and comfort, and it provides a window through which I can see myself and the world from a perspective I can understand.


I write to tame my wildest thoughts, to make sense of my struggles with mental health. I write to confront my past, my most painful, most human experiences, and give them a shape, a name, and a language. I write to make beauty from fear and despair, to transform the ordinary into art. I write to build a bridge to cross the deepest waters, to connect with myself, and with others. 


And that’s exactly what I hope my poetry does for you.

“Climb the ladder
between your turbulence
and the quietude on the other side.

“On the Other Side” — The Valley of Your Life

“Let me be the morning star, visible
only at dark, before sunrise,
glowing softly in the east…”

“Vincent’s Night Sky” — The Valley of Your Life

“I like to touch
the hearts of the crowds, hold
their eyes, awed at my juggling
of words…”

“The Writer, the Enchanter” — The Valley of Your Life